ii. Another drawback of the present flat card is that there is fibre damage and nep formation due to severe treatment meted out to fibres because of them traveling around the cylinder many times and getting carded again and again.
Iii. Yet another drawback is the doffing process in which hook is formed in fibres. This is due to the mechanical transfer of fibres from cylinder surface to doffer surface and the difference in surface velocities of these two elements. Hook formation complicates the yarn forming process because these hooks have to be removed and the fibres straightened before twisting them into a yarn. Otherwise effective fibre length will be reduced. Therefore, drawing machines become an essential part of the yarn spinning process.
iv. Another drawback is the high speed employed for all the working elements of the carding machine or for the majority of them. As a result, the process which is already random, looses control over the movement of fibres. With increased speeds, the randomness of the process increases and contol gets reduced. This problem has become more severe with cards meant for high production.