


Many customers visited Toyoda’s booths throughout the event

The spectacular 6th Osaka International Textile Machinery Show— the 6th OTEMAS—was held for seven days from October 7th to the 13th, 1997 at the INTEX OSAKA exhibition grounds. This exhibition was the largest international textile machinery exhibition in Asia and rivals even ITMA in size and scope.

Despite predictions of a slump in the worldwide textile industry, this exhibition attracted over 235,000 visitors, far exceeding expectations. As an integrated textile machinery manufacturer with both spinning and weaving lines, Toyoda exhibited and demonstrated the latest textile machinery. These machines represent the pinnacle of product development designed to respond to the most exacting customer requirements. It offers improved productivity, greater versatility, significant labor savings, higher levels of automation, and is fully capable of meeting the demands of diversifying textile markets. Both our spinning machinery and weaving machinery booths extensively demonstrated Toyoda’s state-of-the-art technology and were busy for the entire show.

In particular, visitors were attracted by the newly developed BR700 Rapier Loom, which made its public debut at OTEMAS, the RX240 Ring Spinning Frame boasting stable, high-speed operation at 23,000 rpm, and the JAT610 Air Jet Loom on which we demonstrated our Quick Style Change System that lets operators change the fabric in less than 20 minutes.

OTEMAS brought together the latest technology of 671 manufacturers from 23 countries. This impressive exhibition was indeed a great success.

INTEX OSAKA, the site of the 6th OTEMAS



Following the well attended 6th Osaka International Textile Machinery Show, I have assumed the post of Director of the Textile Machinery Division. In taking on this duty, I intend to provide the very finest textile machinery and services in the spirit of “The Customer is First.”

To foster a sense of ongoing trust and stability, Toyoda has made three resolutions with you, our customers, in mind. First, we commit ourselves to improving and maintaining product quality at world-class levels by applying the expertise and leading-edge technology gained over our 70 years of experience in manufacturing textile machinery. Next, so that all our customers may feel secure in their choice of Toyoda textile machinery, we are implementing a system to provide after-sales service and spare parts that is fully capable of meeting the most detailed customer requirements. Finally, to make the greatest possible contribution to the success of your business, we intend to make greater efforts to provide you with textile machinery that offers the very best in cost-performance advantages.

In addition, we are working to build solid trustful relationships with the dealers and trading companies that handle Toyoda textile machinery around the world, and are working to create an environment in which we can provide service and products that will match the needs of our customers for many years.

With these resolutions as our motto, we at Toyoda have committed ourselves to developing and manufacturing textile machinery for the future so that you can feel confident in making Toyoda your preferred choice. Our desire is to create a “win-win situation”—a partnership in which you and we both succeed.

We ask for your continued guidance and support

Tatsuro Matsuura

Managing Director and General Manager, Textile Machinery Division

Toyoda products stand out among leading

technologies from around the world


In addition to the three new BR700 Rapier Looms which were shown to customers for the first time at OTEMAS, Toyoda also demonstrated seven highly reputed JAT610 Air Jet Looms.


A new rapier loom debuts


Developed by incorporating customer feedback, Toyoda’s BR700 Rapier Loom unveiled at OTEMAS was the focus of attention at the show. It offers more weaving possibilities with no damage to the warp yarns thanks to its guideless weft

insertion system. The BR700 weaves interior cloth with different types of weft yarn counts, including metallic gold and silver yarns and chenille yarns, as well as multicolored check suitings and high-twist filament fabrics. One typical comment was, “Overall, it has a much higher level of sophistication than I expected. I’m impressed with its compactness.”

Visitors were especially impressed with its low-vibration operation without the need for foundation bolts thanks to the Perfect Balancer and a proprietary beating cam profile. These features dramatically decrease machine vibration, significantly improve the mill environment, and ensure that all components last longer. Many customers were impressed with Toyoda’s technological developments saying that the BR700 offers new possibilities and choices in rapier looms—a field in which Europe has had the edge up to now—and that they look forward to its availability in the market.

Toyoda is determined to offer rapier looms designed to meet our customers’ needs by making the most of the feedback and suggestions offered by visitors to OTEMAS.

Even greater potential for air jet looms

JAT61 0

“These days air jet looms can weave a wide range of fabrics.” This was the impression the customers who visited our weaving machinery booth had. We lined up seven JAT61 0s to weave a wide variety of fabrics including towels, stretch yarn fabrics, denim, voil curtain fabrics, double-width suitings and high value-added women’s apparel fabrics. At the OTEMAS exhibition, all looms with the exception of the towel loom, were operated at high speeds with low vibration levels while resting

directly on the floor with no foundation bolts.

The ultra-wide double-width, 390- cm reed-space JAT610 featured dramatically reduced vibration, and wove high-quality suitings at high speeds. In addition, the JAT61 0 wove high-demand stretch yarn fabrics for outer wear with surprising productivity at ultra­high speeds of 1,600 rpm, while the heavy-denim model ran at more than 1,000 rpm. Together, this JAT610 lineup offered a convincing demonstration of the higher productivity and expanded fabric ranges offered by Toyoda air jet looms.

QSC (Quick Style Change) demonstration well attended

QSC (Quick Style Change) systems were shown by many textile machinery manufacturers, including Toyoda, at ITMA ’95 in Milan, Italy. At OTEMAS, Toyoda showed the practicality and ease of operation of its QSC with a demonstration of a style change to a totally different density, yarn count and construction in as little as 20 minutes. Our 16-frame electronic shedding motion can change fabric construction and tappet cam dwell angles in an instant. These features will help our customers respond quickly to diversifying market needs.

On-Loom Cloth Inspection System fosters labor savings

At OTEMAS, we demonstrated our On-Loom Cloth Inspection System on a high-speed air jet loom weaving denim. Customers to the Toyoda booth watched as this system detected warp yarn misdrawing on air jet loom units and sensed defects instantly during weaving. Ever in pursuit of greater cost-performance, Toyoda has adopted a wide range of automated features. We continue introducing new features and devices that have the potential to provide you with real production advantages.




Toyoda’s diverse lineup, from drawing frames and combers to roving frames and ring spinning frames, was on display at the spinning machinery booth. The exhibit emphasized Toyoda’s deep commitment to product development across a wide range of fields, as evidenced by the a100 Weighting Arm which is designed specifically for ring spinning frames, a monorail-based cop transfer, and more.

Superior performance with stable, high-speed operation


The RX240 Ring Spinning Frame equipped with our proprietary a100 Weighting Arm, which was introduced in April 1997, spins high-quality Ne. 30 yarns at 23,000 rpm. The demonstration at OTEMAS showed the machine’s stability under practical operating conditions and its ease of operation using the touch-screen panel. Favorable comments included “There are few mechanical components that require maintenance, and it’s easy to use”. Many visitors enthusiastically watched a demonstration of the high-speed Automatic Stationary Cop Doffer (SCD), which simultaneously and automatically exchanges all full bobbins for empty ones in just 1 minute 45 seconds. The Toyoda Automatic Bobbin Changer (TBC), which uses a sub-conveyor system, also got favorable reviews for its compact design and practicality.


The RXW240 was the only longstaple ring spinning frame demonstrated and exhibited at OTEMAS. The RXW240 was equipped with the optional ElectrodraftTM System, which allows the operator to change the draft ratio and twist without swapping change gears. Visitors were interested in the machines’ ability to handle small-batch, custom-tailored production, a particularly important issue in long-staple spinning.

Advanced mechanisms with an emphasis on quality

FL1 00

The FL100 Roving Frame is highly appreciated for its leading-edge microprocessor motor drive controls and sophisticated mechanisms that eliminate the use of cone drums. Toyoda introduced an improved presser design for the flyer and many attendees were attracted by the FL100’s advanced, leading-edge features. The demonstration of high­speed operation at speeds up to 1,500 rpm showed Toyoda’s unrivaled technology and expertise in this field.

High-quality sliver at high-quality operation

CM110A (VC5), DT110A (DX7A)

The new CM110A (VC5) Comber and DT110A (DX7A) Drawing Frame, co-exhibited with Hara Shokki Seisakusho, Ltd., showed capabilities for high-speed, high-quality operation. A demonstration of the CAP (Cherry Auto-lap Piecer), which automatically supplies feed lap, showed the advanced technology of Toyoda’s comber.



opens up a new era in

weaving preparatory machinery

As many of you have already heard, in July of 1997, Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd., entered the market for weaving preparatory machinery with the acquisition of Kawamoto System Corporation, a distinguished company with a long history in this area. Our intent is to strengthen and expand our weaving machinery business by absorbing the know-how and expertise of Kawamoto in the sizing field. We will be focusing even more closely on the needs of our customers, and commit ourselves to provide integrated products, services and know­how—from sizing to weaving.

Products of the new Kawamoto will be distributed under the TOYODA-KAWAMOTO brand name. Toyoda will be providing comprehensive support in every possible aspect of product development, manufacturing and marketing. We have already received many inquiries and orders for the products of the newly reborn Kawamoto. Our main production facility in Kasugai, Aichi Prefecture is busily operating day and night to fulfill the orders. We will also be expanding Kawamoto’s market outside of Japan, the primary market up to now, to include China and East Asia, and countries in the Near and Middle East such as Turkey. We would like as many new customers as possible to become familiar with TOYODA-KAWAMOTO products.

Tradition has it that Sakichi Toyoda, our founder, in developing the automatic loom, saw the need for a high-quality warp beam to improve the efficiency of his weaving machines. Being presented with this request to manufacture superior preparatory machinery offering high reliability is cited as the reason why Mr. Manzo Kawamoto, the first president of Kawamoto System Corporation, founded his company.

Now, Toyoda and Kawamoto are once again destined to do business together. By joining our efforts, we will deliver products and services of the highest quality and reliability to our customers in the future.





Mackee Eagle

A total sizer for spun yarn with a double size box and a 4-sheet divided drying system. The originally designed EP Roller (Equal Pressure Roller) gives consistent, high-quality sizing, while saving size and consuming less electricity.

The sizing and drying sections are just above floor level, making operation and maintenance easy.

Warp yarn quality is improved thanks to the automatic continuous fly and size sediment removing device.


Filamaster Express 610

A high-speed single end sizer for spun yarn with dual continuous drying chambers and 6-sheet divided drying system. The world’s highest machine speed ensures greater productivity. There is also the standard 400 type which offers high quality and productivity.

The original EP Roller (Equal Pressure Roller) gives custom sizing and high-speed operation while consuming less electricity.

By applying the optimal temperature and air volume to the yarn, uniformly dried, high-quality warp yarn is produced.


Mackee Warper

This machine not only offers high-speed warping, but with performance extras such as gentle winding onto the dye beam, customers get a wide variety of uses.

The proprietary preset speed control device keeps warping speed at an optimum level for any specific material, eliminating yarn breakage and improving quality and productivity.

Filamaster Escort

A total sizer for filament yarn. High quality and high productivity are ensured thanks to the patented total sizing and drying system which winds warp yarn directly to the loom beam.

The proprietary EP Roller (Equal Pressure Roller) gives optimum, uniform sizing for even high-density filament.

Superb sizing efficiency offers quality sizing while saving electricity.

In the highly-efficient drying chamber, hot air is blown from above and below the yarn sheets. Up to 32-sheet divided drying is available for greater productivity.