EKatex® ANTIWEAR COATINGS - Open-End- and Ring-Spinning

EKatex® is a Antiwear Coating for the Open-End- and Ring-Spinning Textile Industry.



· Homogenity of inclusions

· Dimensional accuracy of the coating thickness

· Retaining the contour of the substrate

· Reproducibility of the coating

· Tracing of batches

· Extremely short lead times

· Delivery reliability

ESK does not process chromium-containing systems, which can be hazardous to health. The alternative tried-and-tested binary alloys with incorporated substances can provide tribological properties that are identical, or even superior to such systems.

The textile industry has a long tradition of antiwear coatings and this has become a distinguishing feature. Increasing and standardizing yarn quality are important value levers for the spinning sector. ESK’s mechanical and plant engineers are ongoing partners to the open-end and ring spinning textile industry, offering exclusive solu­tions tailored to requirements.

Competitive Advantages thanks to Exklusive Coatings

ESK offers complete or partial coating of components or combing wires with EKatex® electroless nickel dispersions with the controlled incorporation of inorganic hard par­ticles or organic substances. Selection of the incorporated substances for particular applications is one of ESK’s core competences as a result of its extensive experience in grain manufacturing, fractionating and classification. The specified properties are continuously monitored and the processes certified.

Innovative Tribological Systems for Processing Abrasive Yarns

The growth in the processing of abrasive yarns creates new demands on existing tribological systems. ESK supports customers by the applications-specific improve­ment of its tribological systems. In this, we take advantage of our own ESK develop­ment department, the many years of experience of our partners and our comprehen­sively equipped central lab.

Coated products „Open-End-Spinning”

Combing wire, opening rollers, rotor cups, rotor shafts


Coated products „Ring-Spinning”

Spinning rings, travellers


Layer of EKatex® electroless Nickel dispersion
